real care 2 and baby think it over babydoll?



do you guys know where i can buy them my mom wants to buy one to show my baby sister's how is it to care for a baby if you know any one who's sale them that have everything that supposed to have everything that whould be great

Real care 2 and baby Think-it-Over baby doll.
do you guys know where I can buy them? My mom wants to buy one to show my baby sisters how it is to care for a baby. If you know anyone who sells them, that have everything they are supposed to have, that would be great.
I found real care 2 listed at:

I didn't find any in a store, only online.

Real Care Baby Help!!!?


I have the real care baby for school. It started yesterday afternoon and 4. It slept for a few hours, wanted its diaper changed, fed and burped all around 6. It was quiet until 8. From 8 until 12 it cried 6 times just to be fed. That didnt include the times it wanted to be burped, rocked, changed or when it was just being fussy. It wouldnt be quiet for even 30 mins. I took the batteries out around 12:30am and put them back in at 7:30 am. It's on again now and sleep. I was just wondering why it would do that and if the teacher would know if I took the batteries out or if I lost any information.

Thank you.
I know I can't take the batteries out in a real baby. I just know that the baby shouldn't do that. I know other students gave it back to the teacher because it was acting like that. She just made them finish it another day...
I understand you can't take the batteries out of a real baby so you guys dont have to keep telling me. I get that.

All I was trying to ask is why it's being so fussy when it shouldn't be.

I suppose it is possible that your baby was not functioning properly. It is more likely that this is supposed to simulate a real baby!

Many babies cry "for no reason". They just need to be held. It's enough to drive a person crazy. Some babies are colicky which means they cry for hours on end every night for several hours. They outgrow this, but it is very stressful for a parent.

The point of this project is to show how difficult it is to care for a baby. Wouldn't it be great if babies only cried to be fed or changed? Unfortunately this isn't the case.

Just tell your teacher the truth- that the baby started crying so much (and wouldn't stop) so you thought something was wrong. Tell her you took out the batteries (in case she will be able to tell) then put them back in and then the baby seemed fine.

good luck

Real Care Baby Program?


I'm doing the baby project for school, and we take the dolls home. I know they can be fussy sometimes, but it is making noises and won't stop. I've tried everything, but it seems as though it may not have worked. What should I do?

Ha! Pretty realistic baby doll. Sometimes the real thing won't stop either no matter what you do. It could be part of the program, the fussy baby portion 101.

Real care baby speaker not working?

I am taking care of the real care baby for a class. It cried all evening yesterday and I took care of it, the project was pretty much what I expected. But, last night the baby didn't cry until 3 am. I woke up and picked it up. The cry sounded really distant, and it kept getting quieter and quieter. Today its only cried like twice, and both times it like immediately stops before I even take care of it. Whats wrong with its speaker??

The Real Care Baby's have 3 distinct types of cries.
1. Diaper Change
2. Bottle
3. Rocked/Burped

It could be that you have never heard the baby's other cries before. Also the baby does not cry at the same time everyday. It is on a random schedule. Just like a real baby does not cry at, say, 3 o'clock every Sunday. The reason it stopped before you picked it up, was probably because it self soothed. And realized it didn't really want the attention or got over its problem, or fell asleep. Listen for the baby to breathe when it is not crying. Like right after you rock it. It will make little 'huh' sounds. This is a good sign that the speaker is not broken.
The speaker could still be broken, but then again I am not there to evaluate the baby simulator myself. So I hope this information helped. :)

So i have the real care baby 2 this weekend. I have some questions?


And I have some tips.

Well im being lazy and instead of changing the diaper im just scanning it on the baby. Do you think This will show with my teacher that he doesn't have it on?

Someone told me that if you tied its arms behind its head that it won't get shaking baby syndrome? I did it and it supports it head a lot. Do you think my teacher will notice?

3rd. Will it get shaking baby syndrome or rough handling even if I support the head but it still shakes? Like lets say i burp it really hard on accident, but the head is still supported?

THank-you to whoever answers these. I tried to look it up but couldn't find any of them. I hope this is useful to all the people that look it up later too! Cuz its makin my weekend easier. lol,

Apparently you do not completely understand the assignment you've been given and are trying to get out of the responsibility of taking care of the "child". Is this how you plan to raise your own child?

I wouldn't assume anything with that computerized baby. If you are supposed to change a diaper, just do it. You're wasting more time and energy trying to get out of doing what you need to do than it takes to just do it.

People go to jail for inflicting shaken baby syndrome on a child. Perhaps you should get off Yahoo Answers trying to find a way out of your assignment and do a little reading on Shaken Baby Syndrome and child abuse in general.

If I were your teacher, I'd be failing you on this assignment. You've not done anything that you are supposed to do, nor do I believe you understand (or care about) the responsibilities involved in child care. But it's better to make mistakes with a doll than with a real child. Thank God you aren't taking care of a real infant.

Rocking the Real Care II Baby?


I have this parenting class and I have to take care of this robotic baby.
I tried rocking it and I don't know if it worked..
It was crying and then it all of a sudden stopped.
But then it started cooing 1 minute later?
If it doesn't "coo" does it mean that I missed the action?
Because the other times it didn't do anything and just went to sleep..

lmao, good times. XD
what i did, was set the baby in the car seat and rocked the car seat back and forth
if theres no car seat, the hold it like a real baby, and rock it back and forth with your bracelet close to its back, and it will stop crying and make fussy noises, when it starts to cry again, wave your bracelet across, and keep rocking.

Real care baby?

Leah :)

I would like to buy one of those real care baby simulators, does anyone have any idea where I can purchase one from? Thanks

I have one that I will rent out to you. He eats, sleeps, and poops just like a real baby! If the diapers don't smell 100% authentic, I'll gladly give you a refund! =)
All joking aside, as others have said, many high schools have them. You may also want to check with your local Planned Parenthood center; I'm sure they know who to contact to get one. You can also try calling here:

How do i look after a real care baby without experiencing any problems?

Bouch :)

I am getting a real care baby today for a school project and i really want to do well. It will cry when it wants it's nappy changed, winding or feeding. But how do i know which one of the above it needs/wants?

It's great that you want to do well! So, here's the take-home lesson: you don't know what the baby wants when it cries.

This is as true of real care babies as it is for actual babies. The point is to show you that being a good parent is trying to do everything you can to take care of your baby, even if doing everything is frustrating. It's to illustrate that while babies are cute and lovable, they are a lot of work to care for and can easily run you into the ground.

To do well all you really need to do is be attentive. Try to do what you can and keep on doing it when the baby continues to cry. Many new mothers are shocked that they cannot tell why their baby is crying and do the cycle in real life - check for a wet diaper, feed, burp, cuddle, etc. Some babies just continue to cry for no known reason and this is known as colic.

Most of the abuse and neglect cases against infants involve a parent under the age of 25 - children can easily frustrate you and without extensive life experience, it's easy to lash out all of a sudden and do something regrettable. That's why these babies were invented - to prevent not only the child abuse, but also encourage contraceptive use so that fewer unwanted pregnancies occur in the first place.

Just wanting to do a good job is a big step in the right direction and a big part of what it takes to be a competent caregiver. Don't worry, you'll do fine. And even if you don't do perfectly, remember that no parent is perfect and that it also might mean you're not ready to be a mom just yet.

Good luck!

Real Care II Baby Doll ?


Alright so I have a "Baby Think it Over" doll for the weekend and it hasn't cried yet! It's been about 3 hours!! Is that okay? I can hear the baby giggling or coughing once in a while and I hear what sounds like little sighs (breathing) so is my baby just reeeeeally relaxed? haha idk what to do!!
sorry if this is in the wrong section/catagory!!
few! haha she cried a few minutes ago, i got excited:D

I have the same Real Care Baby right now, and it's eating right now! Yes it is ok if it isnt crying because there are 15 schedules the babies follow, and each one is different. Dont worry, you will be up all night with it! Have fun :D

where do i go to borrow a real care baby?


i want to look after a real care baby as im pregnant and want to know what its like im in the uk and not sure where i go to borrow a baby or loan a baby or whatever you do

You are referring to a reality t.v. show on BBC called The Baby Borrowers.

I doubt that anyone lets anyone borrow their babies in real life, unless maybe they are strapped for cash. Then I'd suggest looking in your local classifieds.

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