have you read Jo Frost's Confident Baby Care book?

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Shannon *B


i bought this book because it was 65% off at a book store that was going out of business. i watch Supper Nanny and i figured the book would be very informative. well, i don't know how i feel about this book yet. she mentions that she has never had a child but had many years of experience with them. she writes about baby care for the first year. aside from noticing 2 typos so far, i just don't feel like i am getting anything from this book. she doesn't go into much detail about certain things so if you haven't read any other things about parenting or pregnancy, you wouldn't know what shes talking about. i don't have the book with me, but off the top of my head i remember her saying "don't use baby powder because it could cause respiratory issues". well she doesn't mention that you can use corn starch based baby powder. maybe its just me, but i feel like there are a lot of gaps in this book.

if you have read this book, how do you feel about it?

I noticed the same thing, she seems to jump about a lot in the book, some parts of it didn't make sense for me and I have 3 kids!

Does the lady on Super Nanny have children of her own?


She is so good at getting kids to behave im just wondering if she has personal experience. that would be amazing if she didnt

Date of Birth:
June 27, 1971
•Started babysitting as a teenager.
•Made nannying a career after graduating from college.
•Beat out hundreds of other applicants to win the title of Supernanny.
•Made Supernanny a hit in the UK in the summer of 2004.
•Brought Supernanny to the US in 2005.
•Wrote the books Supernanny: How to Get the Best from Your Children, Ask Supernanny, and Jo Frost's Confident Baby Care.

Jo Frost Trivia:
•Jo has never been married.
No Children

•According to IMDB, she lives with her father in London.


How do you get baby to nap and go to bed while awake?


He is four months old and will only fall asleep with his bottle. I have friends that can lay their baby down and they go to sleep on their own.

My daughter used to have MAJOR sleeping problems. She would only take naps while I was holding her (3 naps daily, so up to 6 total hours p/day) and at night she would wake up every hour until about 2 or 4 in the morning when I would finally bring her in my bed because of pure exhaustion. I loved sleeping with her and I understand why parents co-sleep, but it wasn't something I wanted to make a habit of. This went on for months so I was able to rule out problems with teething, sickness, etc. Anyhow where I'm going with this is...she didn't know how to get herself to sleep. After doing a lot of research I came across a book by Jo Frost (Supernanny) called Confident Baby Care. She recommends using a Controlled Crying Technique. Now this is a variation of CIO and some parents are extremely against this...and so was I, it just seemed cruel and lazy to me at first. However, I felt like this was my last resort and I felt like Supernanny knows what she's talking about so maybe I should try it. I won't lie I cried while my daughter was crying and I almost gave up on it because it's not easy to hear your baby cry. But let me tell you-this works! The first day was absolutely the hardest but each time we used this method she cried considerably less and less. Within a week I was able to lie her down and she would only wimper and wine for less than a minute. By the next week she wouldn't fuss at all she would just close her eyes and go to sleep. One thing I should tell you is that she says not to use this technique until the baby is at least six months old. I understand if this is not for you, but if your baby gets older and is still having problems I suggest trying this method.

You can email me if you have questions on how this works! Or you can try the website below. Good Luck!

6 month old who will only go to sleep if rocked or bounced?

Cassie C

i HAVE to rock him and if i'm not near a rocking chair i have to bounce him and sway him to get him to go to sleep. i know i know, i started a bad habit but i would like to get him used to falling asleep on his own. any suggestions of how to do this without him completely freaking out?

When my daughter was six months old I used a Controlled Crying Technique that Supernanny (Jo Frost) suggested in her book "Confident Baby Care". It's kind of a cross between Ferber and CIO. Now let me just say that I was completely against any form of CIO. However, after rocking my baby to sleep at night and having her wake up every hour until about 3 or 4 am when I finally broke down and co-slept with her and not to mention the 4-6 hours I had to spend every day holding her during her naps...it was ridiculous. This went on for months and I realized that she just didn't know how to get herself to sleep. My point is I know you don't want your baby "completely freaking out" and I completely understand...but this worked! It was only a couple of days before I noticed things getting better, and within a week she went to sleep on her own w/o crying. If it gets really bad or you want to know more about what I did you can email me.

Good luck!

My one year old likes formula - too much!?

Mary Z

I need some ideas for more solids for a child in transition. Mine likes formula too much and I want to move on a little. Any good ideas?

at this age he should be drinking cow's milk instead as well as eating solids. so, getting this from jo frost's book "confident baby care", to wean a child away from formula to milk, week 1:
6 oz formula, 2 oz cow's milk
week 2: 5 oz formula, 3 oz cow's milk
week 3: 4 oz formula, 4 oz cow's milk
week 4 30z formula, 5 oz cow's milk
week 6: 1 oz formula, 7 oz cow's milk
week 7; all cow's milk!
and with every other bottle give a solid meal, like mashed carrots or mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc.

Are there any good books for new Grandparents who need to be brought up-to-date on childcare?


My poor mother is so not caught up on modern day childcare that it is ridiculous. I just had a baby which is also her first grandchild and while she would love to take the baby overnight I am not comfortable until she changes some of her old ways. What was taught to her when she was a new mother is really practiced today. Before I realized how not together she was I had let her take the baby while I went to a doctors appointment. I found out she had done everything from putting my 2 week old baby to sleep on her stomach in a crib full of stuffed animals and pillows to giving her cheese puffs and mashed up black eyed peas with bacon fat. She doesnt realize that this is safe or healthy. I am in need of some good books that are maybe made just for grandparents. Something that can bring her up to date. She doesnt want to just hear it from me. She has to see it in writing.

I am not a parent but I have seen Supernanny many times and she really knows her stuff. I have also heard really good comments about her books. These are the amazon links:



is "supernanny " or "ask supernanny" a better book?


i hav a 3 month old baby n i am buying Jo Frost's Confident Baby Care for now but for future use i want to know which one is better.

"Science shows up Supernanny"


There are lots of good child care books out there; skip the crap, leave-'em-to-cry stuff.

How do i get my 9 month od to sleep through the night?


She use to sleep all night then quit at 7 months, and she is too old for the ferber method because she can pull up. anybody have a solution?

My daughter was an awesome sleeper at first, then her sleeping habits completely changed. She would only take naps while I was holding her (2 hrs each nap times 3 naps per day equals 6 hours per day) and at night she would wake up every 45 min to 1 hr until I finally broke down and brought her in to our bed around 3 or 4 in the morning. This went on for months so I was able to rule out teething, sickness, etc. I did a lot of research and came across Super Nanny's (Jo Frost) book called Confident Baby Care. She suggests a Controlled Crying Technique which is a modified version of Crying it Out. Now I was super, totally, completely against this but I trusted Super Nanny's opinion and decided to give it a try. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I cried, I almost gave up on it, but let me tell you...this worked! If your open to this technique, I would suggest giving it a try. You can find the book easily or email me if you want. Good luck!

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