My 16 day old baby girl's umbilical cord fell off last week, and now there is dried up blood around her navel. I still clean it with alcohol daily. Should I be worried? She has a dr appt tomorrow, should I just ask her [i will anyways]
**should i just ask her dr?
It's completely normal for there to be dried blood in and around her belly button! Continue cleaning it really well with clean cotton balls with alcohol on them. Being a first time mom has so many questions and concerns so be sure that you have a open line of communication with her dr. I'm definately a member of the "ask way too many questions" club according to my husband, but it doesnt bother me. I want to know every possible thing about my baby girl and make sure she is doing well.
Also, have you gotten the "What to Expect the First Year"? It's a MUST HAVE guide for everything you're about to go through. If you don't have the money for it, $12 @ walmart, then check it out from your local library!
It's completely normal for there to be dried blood in and around her belly button! Continue cleaning it really well with clean cotton balls with alcohol on them. Being a first time mom has so many questions and concerns so be sure that you have a open line of communication with her dr. I'm definately a member of the "ask way too many questions" club according to my husband, but it doesnt bother me. I want to know every possible thing about my baby girl and make sure she is doing well.
Also, have you gotten the "What to Expect the First Year"? It's a MUST HAVE guide for everything you're about to go through. If you don't have the money for it, $12 @ walmart, then check it out from your local library!
wintergreen rubbing alcohol for baby's umbilical cord care?
Q. I asked my boyfriend to pick me up some rubbing alcohol to clean baby's umbilical cord and he said he only saw wintergreen so thats what he got. I think its the same. You think its safe to use?
Well, the cord fell off already and the doc just wants me to clean off what's left. Like the inside part. He said to clean it and keep it dry to prevent infection. I wasn't going to use alcohol but since it fell off and theres some that has to heal yet, it seems like a good idea to keep it clean, since its kinda like an open wound.
thanks to everyone with a straight answer. I wasn't asking for an attitude from anyone. It was a pretty simple question and just wanted a simple answer. So let me re-phrase this question........For those of you who have used alcohol on the belly button, is wintergreen the same thing a regular? That's all I want to know. Thank you!
Well, the cord fell off already and the doc just wants me to clean off what's left. Like the inside part. He said to clean it and keep it dry to prevent infection. I wasn't going to use alcohol but since it fell off and theres some that has to heal yet, it seems like a good idea to keep it clean, since its kinda like an open wound.
thanks to everyone with a straight answer. I wasn't asking for an attitude from anyone. It was a pretty simple question and just wanted a simple answer. So let me re-phrase this question........For those of you who have used alcohol on the belly button, is wintergreen the same thing a regular? That's all I want to know. Thank you!
My doctor told me that it is not necessary to use alcohol (its an old wives tale). He said that moms who do that and moms who dont their babys cord falls off in the same amount of time!
My doctor told me that it is not necessary to use alcohol (its an old wives tale). He said that moms who do that and moms who dont their babys cord falls off in the same amount of time!
How to care of umbilical cord?
Okay so I just had my baby four days ago, thing were going fine but now I don't know if I'm overreacting to his umbilical cord. So I'm cleaning with alcohol wipes like the doctor told me, every time I change his diaper. My concern is that well they on the clamp ( not sure that's the name) and it seems like it's pulling it down. I'm worried that it's not suppose to do that, I am overreacting or is it okay? Also, how did you take care of your little ones cords?
you can give your baby sponge baths. Some doctors recommend swabbing the stump with rubbing alcohol two or three times a day to speed the drying process and keep away any odor.
Many experts, however now promote allowing the stump to dry on its own. You can rub with alcohol and a q tip to clean out the gunk and so that it wont smell also it will kill all the germs to thats what I did with both of my girls and they came out fine
Either way you choose, make sure to allow adequate air circulation by dressing your baby in loose fitting clothing during this time. It is also important to fold down the front of your baby's diaper or use newborn diapers with a cutout for the umbilical cord. This keeps urine away from the site and prevents infection.
And don't be scared if you find a little bit of blood on your baby's diaper or clothes
you can give your baby sponge baths. Some doctors recommend swabbing the stump with rubbing alcohol two or three times a day to speed the drying process and keep away any odor.
Many experts, however now promote allowing the stump to dry on its own. You can rub with alcohol and a q tip to clean out the gunk and so that it wont smell also it will kill all the germs to thats what I did with both of my girls and they came out fine
Either way you choose, make sure to allow adequate air circulation by dressing your baby in loose fitting clothing during this time. It is also important to fold down the front of your baby's diaper or use newborn diapers with a cutout for the umbilical cord. This keeps urine away from the site and prevents infection.
And don't be scared if you find a little bit of blood on your baby's diaper or clothes
Umbilical cord?
I have a 5 week old baby and his umbilical cord still looks very attached. I've been using alcohol every time I change him. Is there anything else that can be done to help speed up the dryimg process?
my grandmother has also recommended olive oil, anyone heard of using it and would it be ok??
Alcohol has been shown to delay the umbilical cord falling off, and does not effect the rate of infection. Just leave the cord alone, and try to keep it uncovered as much as possible (which can be hard as it is cold this time of year)
CONCLUSIONS: (a) Evidence does not support continued use of alcohol for newborn cord care; (b) health care providers should explain the normal process of cord separation, including appearance and possible odor; and (c) health care providers should continue to develop evidence to support or eliminate historic practices.
Cleaning with alcohol will increase the length of time from birth to cord separation but will not prevent colonization of the umbilical area
Alcohol has been shown to delay the umbilical cord falling off, and does not effect the rate of infection. Just leave the cord alone, and try to keep it uncovered as much as possible (which can be hard as it is cold this time of year)
CONCLUSIONS: (a) Evidence does not support continued use of alcohol for newborn cord care; (b) health care providers should explain the normal process of cord separation, including appearance and possible odor; and (c) health care providers should continue to develop evidence to support or eliminate historic practices.
Cleaning with alcohol will increase the length of time from birth to cord separation but will not prevent colonization of the umbilical area
umbilical cord care... help please?
Q. its awhile away but im almost 17 weeks & i was wondering about umbilical cord care ... when your giving a newborn bath its supposed to be sponge bath right??? because i seen a video online and she was putting her baby right in the water when he/she still had their umbilical cord stub?? so im confused id much rather give the baby a sponge bath till their nub falls out but some answers would help.. thank you!
I think its depends where you live what you are told for umbilical cord care and baths. Where I live the hospital gives the baby its first bath and they put them right in the water. They used to tell us to use alcohol wipes around the umbilical cord but now they just tell us to leave it alone. I don't think it really makes a difference if they are fully in the water or not, but if your not comfortable with it than just do sponge baths until it falls off.
I think its depends where you live what you are told for umbilical cord care and baths. Where I live the hospital gives the baby its first bath and they put them right in the water. They used to tell us to use alcohol wipes around the umbilical cord but now they just tell us to leave it alone. I don't think it really makes a difference if they are fully in the water or not, but if your not comfortable with it than just do sponge baths until it falls off.
Caring for my babys umbilical cord stump..HELP PLEASE!?
Hi !! My baby's stump has fallen off...when it 1st fell off their was a little raw spot (i herd the raw spot was normal at 1st) but their is still a dried piece that's kinda flat that's still on their..I herd that im suppose to keep it exposed to dry out..its hard tho because my baby bends her legs and her feet swipe against it..or her clothing will rub on it and that causes it to drip a very tiny bit of blood (IS THAT NORMAL??) so how do i care for the belly button after the stump has fallen off?? is it suppose to look like what i explained?? thank you!!
My son had the same thing. I just kept using the alcohol to keep it dry. They don't like the cold and may still cry, but it will help heal that little button of hers. You are doing a great job, don't doubt yourself.
Some babies have a little raw spot after the umbilical cord has fallen off. It is normal. Just keep up the good work.
My son had the same thing. I just kept using the alcohol to keep it dry. They don't like the cold and may still cry, but it will help heal that little button of hers. You are doing a great job, don't doubt yourself.
Some babies have a little raw spot after the umbilical cord has fallen off. It is normal. Just keep up the good work.
Can the sonographer be seeing the baby's umbilical cord?
I am happy and blessed to have a baby and care first about it being healthy, i just wanted to say before you guys think i don't think of that people can be rude on here. I just want to to know how accurate are these people, the sonographer told me 60% boy then the next week she said 80% boy. My mom was there and told her that doctor's can make mistakes. The doctor said she was right and they do, do mistakes. But my question is could she be seeing the umbilical cord? i asked the doctor how sure she was and she showed me the baby's thing i couldn't tell what that was i did dee a line this is my first baby and i'm 22 weeks. What do you think?
Yes they can make mistakes, but they would mistake the umbilical cord for the pee pee~! It looks completely different ... I would say you'll most likely have a little bundle of BOY! Congrats!
Yes they can make mistakes, but they would mistake the umbilical cord for the pee pee~! It looks completely different ... I would say you'll most likely have a little bundle of BOY! Congrats!
Care for umbilical cord?
Our hospital takes cultures of the umbilical cord....does anyone know what bacteria it's for? Also, they use something called triple-dye....can you tell me what it's's supposed to help with bacteria, but it isn't an antibiotic. Other than that, we don't do anything to the cord, and I'm nervous that it will not fall off.....has anyone had this experience?
I understand the cord will fall off anyway, but what is the dye for? And why are they testing the umbilical cords?
I know that our hospital was doing some cultures before on babies because there was an increase in MRSA, which is a staph infection that is present in the community and actually causes serious infections...think flesh eating bacteria. This might be what it's for.....
Triple dye is used as a preventative measure against bacterial's placed on the cord one time and it dyes the cord doesn't kill bacteria like antibiotics do....Not many places use it, but our hospital started to use it again after the MRSA increase and they're going to do some more cultures in a while to see if it's working...
The cord will fall off....there is a study by johnson and johnson that says that doing absolutely nothing to it works as well or better then applying something to it....we do clean around the base of the cord at this time....but nothing on the cord.
I know that our hospital was doing some cultures before on babies because there was an increase in MRSA, which is a staph infection that is present in the community and actually causes serious infections...think flesh eating bacteria. This might be what it's for.....
Triple dye is used as a preventative measure against bacterial's placed on the cord one time and it dyes the cord doesn't kill bacteria like antibiotics do....Not many places use it, but our hospital started to use it again after the MRSA increase and they're going to do some more cultures in a while to see if it's working...
The cord will fall off....there is a study by johnson and johnson that says that doing absolutely nothing to it works as well or better then applying something to it....we do clean around the base of the cord at this time....but nothing on the cord.
umbilical cord?
Q. I have a four day old baby, and his umbilical cord fell off this morning? I thought it was suppost to take like at least a week of two? Is this a bad thing? There are no signes of infection, or pain.
no it can fall of in a short time it just depends on how well you take care of it...
no it can fall of in a short time it just depends on how well you take care of it...
Does a baby feel the umbilical cord being cut off?
No, cutting the umbilical cord does not physically hurt the baby. However, there may be advantages/ disadvantages to cutting the cord. There is a big debate among health care professionals as to when or if the cord should be cut. In mainstream maternity care, doctors generally cut the cord ASAP. (They fear the baby could get too much blood and have complications. This is also done when the baby has medical issues and needs to be separated from the mother quickly for emergency care.) Other doctors and midwives may let the cord pulse for 30 seconds to a minute before cutting. (Allowing the blood that was intended to go to the baby... to go.) Still others will wait till the cord completely stops pulsing before cutting. Then there is lotus birth. (Google to get full definition.) They do not cut the cord at all. Rather they let the cord and placenta dry naturally. This usually results in the cord separating on its own 3 to 10 days later.
No, cutting the umbilical cord does not physically hurt the baby. However, there may be advantages/ disadvantages to cutting the cord. There is a big debate among health care professionals as to when or if the cord should be cut. In mainstream maternity care, doctors generally cut the cord ASAP. (They fear the baby could get too much blood and have complications. This is also done when the baby has medical issues and needs to be separated from the mother quickly for emergency care.) Other doctors and midwives may let the cord pulse for 30 seconds to a minute before cutting. (Allowing the blood that was intended to go to the baby... to go.) Still others will wait till the cord completely stops pulsing before cutting. Then there is lotus birth. (Google to get full definition.) They do not cut the cord at all. Rather they let the cord and placenta dry naturally. This usually results in the cord separating on its own 3 to 10 days later.
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