I have United Health Care Insurance, How much will it cost me to have a baby?

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Q. From birth at the hospital to the babies check ups, any comments will be greatly appreciated!

We have united health care insurance through my husband's job with the railroad (I do not know if that makes a difference?) It cost us $15. That included the delivery, epidural, hospital stay, the pediatrician to look at baby, all the newborn tests, everything. For my prenatal care was $15 also. So $30 total from first prenatal to bring baby home. What a blessing this insurance is!

baby insurance. or program??? Anyone?

AIM+e plus

Hi, I'm now 21 weeks pregnant and I am covered 85% by my insurance...the problem is..they don't cover my child after he/she is born and I know hospitals run tests and things like that on babies when they're born and I know blood work is rather expensive also if it's a boy im going to get a circumcision and just the cost of infant care while still in the hospital ( gonna be pretty expensive) Does anyone know of a program that I can get that will help cover just my baby after he/she is born? Also I wanted to try to get something other than insurance maybe something a little cheaper. I can't get any type of medicaid since I already have insurance and assets greater than 2000 dollars. If anyone knows of any good programs...please please let me know. Thanks!
well, i don't think MY child's circumcision should or would affect you in the least, and if you think it's gross to think about...well you have MUCH bigger problems and should grow up a little
Just for the record circumcision isn't mutiliation. His father said he wants him to have one also. Please, put all of your judgment and opinions aside because I don't care what you guys say about MUTILATION and PAIN just go bother someone else who cares about that because I really really don't. My child my money, my judgment about whats going to happen to him/ her.

Why won't your insurance cover the baby? Usually newborns are covered by the mother's insurance for the first 30 days automatically. Check with your local WIC clinic. They will have info on Medicaid and other assistance programs in your state. They have been a huge help to me with getting assistance.

Baby Health Care Cost?

Q. My friend, is a teenager and got his girlfriend pregnant, he wants to know how much health care will cost AFTER the baby is born, for the first 6 months. He also wants to know how much day care will cost for 5 days a week, 6 hours a day. General ideas are great. Please don't give advice on what he should do, he has his family covering that.

Depends on whether the gf goes through the health dept. or free clinic or intends to go to just a regular ped. The cost of a regular office visit with a pediatrician can be quite high without insurance. He should call around.

My cousin and his GF had no health insurance. They only went for 4 well baby visits and got the shots done at the health dept. for $10 or less each time. Today, my state now has a program to have all children covered by insurance. If the parents can't afford or can't get health insurance, they can get low cost health insurance through the state. I know my other cousin is paying about $85/month for health insurance for his son. The well baby visits that were recommended were 2 months, 6-9 months, 1 year and 2 years. Many doctors think that the current well baby schedule in the US is unnecessary for most babies unless they were born premature, have health problems or are at risk due to socioeconomic issues.

Day care for an infant in my area is $250/week. It is one of the highest in the country, so likely your friend's cost would be less.

life insurance?


OK I'm 22 and i want to get life insurance i had a baby a year ago so i want to make sure she will be taken care of if something happens to me so my ? is what is a good comp about how much a mo do they charge and who should i put as the beneficiary if i put her how can she use the money or how could i pick someone else to spend it for her only! im not married really dont have friends and im scared that if i leave someone else in charge of the money that they wont give it to her or will spend it on stuff that she dont need what sould i do

I'm a financial representative and providing life insurance is one of the things I do for clients. God forbids if the breadwinner dies, where would the family be without life insurance? Life insurance can't protect you against harm or death, but it can replace your income. The problem is that many families that own life insurance don't have adequate coverage, but they pay lots of premiums for it. That's because they own the wrong type of life insurance. Take a look at the facts and you decide which product is the best:

Whole life insurance
1) Its level term to around age 100 that builds cash value.
2) Since it builds cash value, premiums are higher than term insurance that doesn't build cash value.
3) There is no cash value growth in the first 2 years because premiums are used to pay for the insurance and commissions to the agent.
4) After first 2 years, you are guarantee a rate of anywhere between 1-4% (varies between companies)
5) If you wish to take money out from the cash value, you have to borrow it and pay loan interest of 6% to 8%.
6) If you die someday, the insurance company keeps your cash value, but pays the death benefit. Death benefit will be reduced by any loans you taken from the cash value.

Universal life insurance
1) Annual renewable term until around the age of 100 that builds cash value.
2) Flexible premiums as long as there's enough cash value to pay for the insurance.
3) While premiums may remain level in the beginning, the internal cost of the insurance goes up every year. That means less and less of your premiums goes into the cash value. Eventually, the premiums you pay will be insufficient in the future to pay for the cost. What would happen is that you would either have to pay more premiums or a portion of your cash value will be used to pay for it.
4) Same cash value features as whole life.

Term insurance
1) Various of level term products to choose from (from 1 year to 35 years).
2) It does not build cash value, so premiums are initially lower than whole life and universal life.
3) Most term insurance are guaranteed renewable to around the age of 95 to 100 without providing a proof of insurability. If your health was to decline because of old age, you can renew your policy without any hassle.
4) When you renew, premiums will be based on your current age. So premiums will go up after the initial level term.

Those are the facts.

Personally, I have sold term insurance 100% of the time. Why? Its because my clients can get lots of coverage for low amount of premiums. Since premiums are low, I help setup investment accounts for my clients so that they can build wealth. If you had lots of money saved right now, would you still need life insurance? Probably not. But you probably don't have lots of money saved right now and if something were to happen to you, would your family be financially ok? As you get older and continue to invest, you may or may not need life insurance when it is time to renew the term insurance. If you were to invest $200/month for the next 30 years and the average rate of return in your portfolio was 12%, you would have about $700k saved for retirement. That's probably not enough to live on, but at least its better than having money sitting in a life insurance policy. If you were to die during the term, your family gets the death benefit and all your savings and investments. If you die after the term, at least you will leave money behind to your family. With the cash value life insurance, in most policies, your beneficiary will only get the death benefit, but the insurance company keeps the cash value.

having a baby & insurance??!!!?

Q. we are ttc and am so confused on the insurance aspect of this. I was just wondering if anyone who has been thru this knows how much this whole process costs them. I know it can cost thousands but what actually does it cost out of pocket. I think our insurance covers 80% after deductible and 100% of medical services, as i work for the hospital. What does this mean? I am so confused. Is this something I should be saving for now even if I am not pregnant yet, is it going to be an outrageous amount of money just to have the baby and do the whole prenatal doctor visits? Help!!

That sounds about right. It costs thousands of dollars and you will be paying for 20% (that's how my plan works too). It could end up costing a lot more than you think, my baby was in the special care nursery due to complications and that was the most expensive part of the deal -- but obviously worth every penny. It doesn't hurt to start saving now!

Good luck!

What about Long-Term Care Insurance ?


Is it a good investment ?

It shouldn't really be considered as an investment. Is it a good idea to have? Absolutely!

I'm in Canada, but if Medicaid is anything like what our health care system is, LTC insurance is a must! Here's why:

- The government funds the bare minimum to survive more or less. That doesn't mean you will be confortable. You'll likely be stuck in a room with another person or multiple people.

- The Baby Boomers are getting older. Where I'm from there is absolutely no talk at all abotu increasing the number of hospital/care home beds anywhere in prairies at all. That means that as the largest demographic in history continues towards the 'care home years', there will be fewer and fewer beds available for anyone else. The people with the money will get the beds. If you get severely disabled or ill and all the public beds are gone, what are you going to do?

- Retirement planning. When are you most likely to use LTCI? When you are old and grey. Why use up your hard earned investments to pay someone to chenge your diaper and feed you when you are in your last years? Use your retirement money to enjoy your first 15-20 years of retirement and use LTCI (AKA that big rich insurance companies money) to pay for the years you when you won't enjoy life to its fullest anyways. And if you are rich? I would find it hard to beleive that anyone is richer than an insurance company. They can afford it more than you can.

- Depending on how the LTC is structured, it doesn't always mean tou need to be put into a home. With my policy and the ones I offer to clients, if I cannot do 2 of the 6 daily functions of living (feeding, transporting [walking], transfering[getting out of bed and into a wheel chair, etc], contenience [ability to control bowel movements], bathing, toileting [ability to go to the bathroom], dressing), with out supervision (doesn't matter who has to supervise, whether it's a wife, friend, nurse or child) for a period longer than 30 days, then I will get paid $2000/week (tax free) as long as I meet those requirements (NO limit or cut off time period). If I dislocate my shoulder/break a major bone I'm on claim for at least 2 weeks (Arm in a sling or cast for 6 weeks [roughly 4 weeks of no claim for the 30 day waiting period]? can't wash half my body properly[bathing], can't button up my shirt or jeans[dressing] without help). With my policy, if I go on cliam for a total of more than 8 months in my life (I'm 29 and most of my family members live into their 90s), I break even. Typically the average person makes claims in the 24-36 month range (the last few years in a care home). Call insurance a bad investment all you want, but getting that kind of return on my money in the long run is far better than any other investment I've found. One of my clients went on claim for having a severely twisted thumb. That's not really what LTC is meant for, but it qualifies.

- real Long Term Disabilities. A typical Long Term Disability policy will cover a person for up to 2 years (typically 5 years is the absolute max.). And that's if you are not able to do ANY job (If you can sit in a wheel chair and sell pencils on the corner, you don't qualify for LTD). What happens if you become seriously disabled (IE: you become paralized or get diagnosed with something like MS or Parkinson's or something that is never curable)? LTD will cut off after a couple years and you will live the next what? 20? 30? 40 years? on welfare barely making it by.

- finally one word: Dignity. There is absolutely no dignity for either party in having a son (or daughter) wipe his fathers/mothers ass and scrub his genital area. Doesn't matter if you are the kid or the parent, there's nothing fun or cool about it. My grandmother had no insurance, and could not afford to put her in a home. If you would like to e-mail me and I will send you my mothers phone number and you can discuss how she feels about having to wipe her 84 year old obese mother's (my grandmother) ass and sponge bath her (she could have been on claim for more than 8 years straight now becuase of her health conditions). Then you can ask how she felt about doing it for her 83 year old aunt a few years ago because no one else would. It's easy to say "But I love my parents I would do anything for them" but wait until it happens. Loving them and doing anything for them is a whole lot different than loving them and being able to spend quality time with them rather than that qualitiy time be cleaning their diapers.

My girlfriend is having a baby.Insurance Question!?

Q. Soo She has a job and they offer medical insurance but she missed the deadline to sign up. Soo we called to see if she can to sign up some how they said she could sighn up within 30days of the baby being born. But we need pre natal care is MEDI-CAL are only option? where else can i get insurance im also willing to make payments a month if i can get better insurance

Talk to patience assistance in your local clinic. She should be eligible for free health care if she makes less than 300% of the poverty level. It should take care of 100% of her prenatal care.

However, I don't know what state you in, but in the state of Wisconsin if you two are not married then regardless of her insurance carrier the actual birthing bill goes to the father. If you cannot afford to pay it they will set up a plan to take your tax return until it is paid off.

baby dental insurance coverage?

Jane Magno

At what age did you first need dental care for your baby? Sorry if this seems silly but I really have no idea, and I want to make sure I have insurance before we need it.
wow, I'm surprised how young. Ok, so then should I get dental or vision coverage right at birth then, or can I save some money and wait til he's a year old? I'm 29 week preg with him now.

Honestly, whenever you're ready. I know of some people who took their baby when they cut their first tooth. Others wait until 2 or 3. I know someone else who took theirs at age 5 (which I think is too late) because they had to for his school papers. I'd say at around 3 is good unless you have issues. If baby knocks a tooth or has unusual mouth symptoms, then earlier.

Texas health care insurance for toddlers?

im looking for affordable insurnce for my baby girl who is a year old. i make 45000 a year so i dnt qualify for low budget insurance so please help

The ONLY "child only" health insurance in TX, is CHIP - welfare health insurance.

Since you make too much money to qualify, you're looking at purchasing a coverage for you and baby TOGETHER, which, of course, will cost more.

Talk to a local broker - local to you - who can help you balance coverage and cost. But don't expect to get coverage with a low/no deductible, with a one year old - it's going to cost about $200 a month MORE for baby, than the well baby visits will cost - so it's NOT going to be "cheap".

With health insurance, it's going to be "affordable" for the insurance company, too - which means, they WILL collect enough in premiums to cover the KNOWN claims that you ARE going to be filing. For baby's second year, if nothing goes wrong, that's going to be about $2500 in doctor visits and immunizations.

Did anyone have a baby on TennCare or other state insurance?


What kind of insurance did you have?
Did you feel like you were mistreated because of your insurance?
Would you want to have another baby with that insurance?
Do you feel like your care would have been better if you had more expensive insurance?

My couisn just had a baby on TennCare and said she thought she was mistreated and judged. However, I know how her family is and they probably just annoyed the hospital staff to death! My mom had my little brother on TennCare and she says it was a great experience. I'm having a baby at the same hospital that my little brother was born in, Vanderbilt, and I have TennCare. I was just wondering, should I be worried? My husband has insurance, but it's really expensive, so I've been using my TennCare. I don't feel like I've been mistreated so far...I could really use any personal experiences you may have had! Thanks!

I work at a hospital. Billing and insurance is done by a different department. Trust me, the nurses and doctors don't have time to go digging through everybody's records to see who they should treat worse! Besides the fact that it is illegal for them to do this, they just don't have that knowledge. Vanderbilt is generally a good hospital. And trust me, all hospitals in Tennessee see tons of TennCare patients.

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